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Brooklyn Children's Museum

Grand Army Plaza Arch near Eastern Parkway

Weeksville Heritage Center

Welcome to CB8!

The City of New York is divided into fifty-nine geographic community districts, served by a local rep. body known as a Community Board. Each Community Board is composed of up to fifty unsalaried individuals who either live in or have an interest in the community, selected to serve on the board by the Borough President or local City Council representatives.

When we meet

General Community Board meetings are held each month with the exception of July and August. At these meetings, members address items of concern to the community. In addition, there are multiple committees that meet monthly and report at the general meetings as well. All meetings, whether general or committee, are open to the public.

Get Involved in Community Board 8

There are several things you can do to get more involved:

  1. Report a complaint or request for service by contacting the District Office.
  2. Attend meetings of the Community Board and ask to be put on the mailing list to get meeting notices.
  3. Apply to become a Community Board Member. You can do so either by picking up an application at the Community Board’s Office, contacting the Brooklyn Borough President’s Office at 718-802-3700, or by contacting your local Council Member.