Prospect Heights Street Tree Task Force (courtesy of the NYC Parks Department) will give away Free daffodil bulbs on Saturday, Nov. 14 (rain date, Sunday, Nov. 15) 10–11 am (or as long as supplies last!)
Outside 286 St. Johns Place (between Plaza Street E & Underhill Avenue)
Please bring your own bag
Just One Condition! Bulbs must be planted in public areas only, such as in street tree beds, or the planting beds in front of your building. New Yorkers paid for the bulbs and New Yorkers should have an opportunity to enjoy them!
Daffodils are a harbinger of Spring and bearer of cheer after the bleakness of winter. Fall is the time to plant them, 6 to 8 weeks before a hard frost is expected and when soils are below 60 F degrees. This is usually during November or even early December in New York City. Prepare the daffodil bed by loosening the soil the best you can. Dig a hole with a trowel or sturdy spoon (about 3 to 4 times as deep as the height of the bulb if possible). Set the bulb in the hole, pointy end up, then cover with soil and press firmly. Space bulbs 4 to 6 inches apart. Water thoroughly after planting. Wait patiently for three months and before you know it Spring will have sprung. While you’re at it why not give your street trees some extra TLC by loosening the soil, clearing out debris and adding some mulch.
If you need further advice or tools e-mail phstreettrees