As I am sure you aware, our neighborhood has seen an increase in gang and gun violence these past few weeks. We have felt the pain in our hearts as too many members of our community have been shot and killed by such shootings. This needs to be stopped and needs to be stopped now.
In light of these recent shootings, Public Advocate Letitia James is calling an emergency meeting between all levels of government and the community. We cannot stand idly while such wanton acts of violence happen within a community that has so much life. With the help of our local police the 79th and 88th Police Precincts, lead by Deputy Inspector John Chell and Captain Peter Fiorillo, as well as the P.B.B.N. and P.S.A 3, lead by Deputy Chief Jeffrey Maddrey and Captain Peter Fiorillo, we can work together to find a way to bring a stop to the gang violence that continues to plague our neighbors, our friends, and our families.
But none can fight this alone. We will need to come together, not with blame, but with a proactive solution that we will then work together to achieve. Public Advocate James needs your help to make our community safe again. Please join her and other local elected officials from 6-8pm on Wednesday August 19th at 279 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238, the Emmanuel Baptist Church to start our work on a path to heal this community.