During the December scope meeting for Lincoln Terrace Park's playground, several community members discussed the potential for hosting a community meeting focused on Lincoln Terrace Park. The goal of this effort would be to bring together Lincoln Terrace Park users to communicate about upcoming programs and events, care for the park, and connect to resources […]
Assemblyman Mosley invites you to attend his State of the District Address Assemblyman Mosley's Eve_20160219134
Join District Attorney Ken Thompson for his annual Black History Celebration DA Thompson's Blk Hist Mnth Celebration
Please be advised that the NYC Dept. of Transportation will discuss safety improvements for St. John's and Sterling Places at the next Transportation Committee meeting. This is your opportunity to hear the presentation, voice your concerns, and ask questions. Please come out to hear the proposal as the full Board will vote on the proposal […]
Join Assemblyman Walter Mosley for their annual Black History Event.
Join NYC Comptroller Scott M. Stringer's Women's History Celebration Comptroller's Women's Hi_20160219125110
NYC Department of Transportation invites you to a public hearing Wednesday, March 9, 2016. The hearing will be held at 55 Water Street, 9th Floor, Room 945 at 2;00 p.m. on the proposed revocable consents authorizing Con Edison to use the public streets and public places in the City of New York The continued use […]