Landmarks Preservation Commission Application Guidelines

Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) Application Guidelines (also applies to ULURP applications)

Please read carefully:

All applicants must request a hearing for their venture to the District office at least 21 days prior to the Community Board 8 Land Use Committee meeting (occurs the 1st Thursday of each month except in July and August, where the meeting will either be the last Thursday in July or the first Thursday in August). Please respect the process and not schedule your LPC hearing before you have met before the Land Use Committee and before the full Board has had an opportunity to vote on your application. The full Board votes on all actionable items the 2nd Thursday of every month between September and June. Over the summer, the Land Use Committee has executive authority and their opinion serves as the opinion of the full Board. Their determination is final and binding.

Submitting your notice to appear before the Land Use Committee early will ensure that ample time is allotted for you, the applicant, to provide necessary notifications to neighbors and the organization that oversees LPC applications in your specific historic district (either the Crown Heights North Association (CHNA) or the Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council (PHNDC)). Please note that you must present your application before either CHNA or PHNDC and receive a letter of support from the organization prior to your hearing. Contact information for the requisite organization will be provided once the District office receives your request to appear before the Land Use Committee.

Note that all applicants must provide proof that the abutting neighbors (those both to the left and right in front of the property and those abutting the rear yard) were notified of their hearing before the Land Use Committee. Notices of the hearing must be posted a minimum of seven (7) days prior to your hearing before the Land Use Committee. For your convenience, we have created a simple notification form (LPC-notification-form covid19) you can complete and post to each neighbor’s door. Please take a picture of the notice with the address visible in the picture and send the evidence of notice to the District office. Note that neighbors do not have to support your application; they merely need to be notified. We recommend posting notices throughout the block rather than just the immediate neighbors to ensure maximum coverage.

All applicants must also contact the block association on the block. When we receive your email, we will provide contact information for the local block association if we have information on it. You can ask the block association president to assist you with outreach to the block. Again, this must be done a minimum of 7 days in advance, preferably much sooner rather than later.

We ask that you provide your plans and architectural designs/drawings to the District office in digital form as soon as possible. While we understand that the plans may change slightly over the course of the 21 day period, we will need the finalized version no less than seven (7) days before your Land Use Committee hearing. The plans/drawings will be given to the committee in advance for review to streamline your hearing and make it easier for committee members to review, discuss, focus on any problem areas. It will make your hearing go much quicker, and also much smoother.


Link to form: LPC-notification-form covid19



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